Archives for Kabat

Rebuilding for Learning is an On-Going Commitment

Mayor Tim Kabat

Mayor Tim Kabat

The City of La Crosse is proud to partner with La Crosse County and the School District of La Crosse in the Rebuilding for Learning initiative. For over six years the three organizations have been working collaboratively in five areas: Human Resources; Joint Purchasing; Information Services; Building and Grounds; and Youth and Families. It was out of this larger effort to collaborate that the Youth and Families Sub-Group launched the Rebuilding for Learning initiative. In August, the third annual Rebuilding for Learning Summit was held at the La Crosse Center bringing together our three organizations as well as agencies and service providers for the purpose of improving the lives and opportunities of La Crosse’s youth and families. This work is extremely important and in order for it to flourish, the effort needs to be sustained by a commitment from all three organizations as well as the community.
The Community Outreach for Involvement and Support content arena is closely tied with the City’s (and others) proactive approach to improve neighborhoods. I view neighborhood revitalization as a key component of Rebuilding for Learning. Safer, cleaner and welcoming neighborhoods are the backbone of this City and better neighborhoods will translate into more children coming to school ready to learn. Our approach to community policing, having resource officers in our schools and the DARE program are all examples where the City can help in the Crisis Assistance and Prevention content arena.
I applaud the work of the Rebuilding for Learning initiative and to those who are leading organizational and community change. Rebuilding for Learning is an ongoing commitment to make our schools and our community a place where every child can reach their greatest potential. Please know that the City is just as committed as you are to improving the learning environment of our schools and in improving our neighborhoods. We will continue to allocate resources so we can be actively involved in your efforts.
Each month another Rebuilding for Learning update will be sent to you so that we can keep the momentum going. Next month, look for an update from La Crosse County Administrator, Steve O’Malley. Don’t forget to check the website for resources, news, calendar of events and more.